Working Group 5: Early Stage Researcher Training

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STSMs 2016/2017

The action has funded 6 STSMs over the coming months! 

Successful meeting on Project Risk & Asset Management Uncertainty Assessment

October 2016: The Action held a workshop on Project Risk & Asset Management Uncertainty hosted by colleagues at TU Delft

Expert Judgement Workshop, 26th August 2016

An expert judgement workshop is being held at the University of Strathclyde on Friday 26th August!

Work Group 5: Early Stage Researcher Training

For more updates and info, visit our blog.

One of the Action’s key objectives is to develop a new generation of analysts skilled in eliciting and using expert judgements.  Accordingly we shall undertake several activities to support Early Stage Researchers (ESRs):

  • An annual short satellite training workshop for ESRs adjacent to one of our other WG meetings and focused on one particular aspect of running and using expert judgement studies.
  • A full 3 or 4 day training course built around group work, allowing as much practical experience as possible, and supported by lectures conveying the underpinning theory and several case studies (at least once over the Action).
  • A support network on LinkedIn or similar to provide ongoing advice and mentoring;
  • A web-based resource centre of key publications and guidance notes on using expert judgement.

ESRs presenting at the Action’s Workshops will be assigned a mentor who will give feedback after the presentation; and we also note that STSMs will inevitably cases have elements that support the development of ESRs.

Through these and other ongoing contacts with ESRs we seek to provide general guidance and mentoring to support their career development.