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STSMs 2016/2017
The action has funded 6 STSMs over the coming months!
Successful meeting on Project Risk & Asset Management Uncertainty Assessment
October 2016: The Action held a workshop on Project Risk & Asset Management Uncertainty hosted by colleagues at TU Delft
Expert Judgement Workshop, 26th August 2016
An expert judgement workshop is being held at the University of Strathclyde on Friday 26th August!
Session 1: Opening address
Oswaldo Morales, Simon French and Tina Nane
Session 2: The state of the art in Structured Expert Judgement 1
Valuing and evaluating expertise: judgment, policy and business - Tim Bedford
The competition and the opportunity: an overview of expert elicitation methods and applications for the last few years - Tom Mazzuchi
Session 3: The state of the art in Structured Expert Judgement 2
Structured expert judgment with the Classical Model – experiences of an NBD facilitator - Willy Aspinall
Expert judgment: probabilities, parameters and MODELS! - Simon French
Expert judgment and adversarial problems - David Rios
Decisions with partially and imprecisely specified judgments - Malcolm Farrow
Session 4: Dependence modelling
Specification of uncertainty distributions for multinomial models with expert judgements: a vine copulas approach - Kevin Wilson
Bayesian modelling of dependence between experts - David Hartley
The sequential conditioning method: Addressing under- and overspecification of detailed expert judgment for probabilities dependence modelling - Christoph Werner
Session 5: Applications 1
The use of expert judgment in terrorism risk assessment - Gordon Woo
Guidelines for better science advice: Examples from applications in natural hazard assessments - Annemarie Christophersen
Risk assessment of an offshore recovery operation - Arno Willems
Session 6: Processes and guidelines
Customising a graph to support structural elicitation - Jim Smith
Classical meets modern in the IDEA protocol: what could go wrong? - Anca Hanea
Who to trust? Assessing and improving expert judgment with conservation - Victoria Hemming
Session 7: The Classical Model: theory, validity, extensions
Classical Model Collage - Max Mendel, Ben Ale, Willy Aspinall, Simon French, Gordon Woo
Validating expert judgments and the Classical Model - Abby Colson
Measuring experts’ performance in assessing dependence: experiences and open questions - Oswaldo Morales Napoles
The squizzle and its friends - John Paul Gosling
Summing up - Roger Cooke
Session 8: Modeller viewpoints 1
Three-point lifetime distribution elicitation for maintenance optimization in a Bayesian context - René van Dorp
Finding common ground when experts disagree: belief dominance over portfolios of alternatives - Ahti Salo
The living room of science: do we need questionable research practices to survive in academia? - Rens van de Schoot
Session 9: Applications 2
The use of expert judgments in quantifying uncertainties in risk assessment of food and feed safety – experiences and lessons learnt from the implementation of EFSA’s Expert Knowledge Elicitation Guidance - Olaf Mosbach-Schulz and Andy Hart
Quantifying uncertainty about future antimicrobial resistance with structured expert judgment - Abby Colson
Source attribution of food- and waterborne pathogens in the United States using structured expert judgement - Elizabeth Beshearse
Session 10: Modeller viewpoints 2
The case of 10-6 and other alternative opinions - Ben Ale
Dependency elicitation using expert judgment - Victory Idowu
Session 11: Achievements of the COST action & next steps
WG1 Report
WG2 Report
WG5 Report
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